Hi, I'm Cole. I'm a Software and DevOps Engineer based out of Los Angeles, CA teaching what I know as I go! This is a log of my Tech Guides and Thoughts. Thanks for reading!
The words "Docker" and "Container" have been a roller coaster of highs and lows over the past couple years. Docker's debut into the tech world was nothing short of a renaissance...or so social media, marketers, and developer forums would have you believe. A…
I released The Hitchhiker's Guide to AWS ECS and Docker a couple of weeks ago. It got a great response - the only thing that seemed to be problematic was the sheer size of the guide. What began as a small ECS Tutorial turned into the longest post I'd ever w…
Introduction In this guide we're going to discuss the major components of AWS EC2 Container Service (ECS), what they are conceptually and how they work together. The prime directive - understanding how hosting, scaling and load balancing an application with D…
Overview In this post we're going to cover two things: Setting up unified CloudWatch logging in conjunction with AWS ECS and our Docker containers. Setting up SSM and Enabling the ability to run one bash command across multiple EC2 container instances simultan…
Table of Contents: Overview Setting Up Our Docker Image Pushing Our Docker Image to AWS ECR and Setting up the ECS Cluster Creating the IAM Roles Configuring Security Groups for Our ECS Container Instances and Application Load Balancer Defining the Launch Conf…